Nathanael Shelley
Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures
Tuesday 11a-1p in Milbank 316
Thursday 3-4:30p on Zoom (988 3286 6857)
Reservations are recommended
Nathanael Shelley is a Term Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern Civilizations and specializes in cultural history of the Middle East and Antiquity. His research concerns the legacies of Antiquity and the critical investigation of cultural forms in history, especially identity concepts and perceptions of social difference such as ideas of ethnicity, race, and alterity. He received his PhD in 2016 from Columbia University with a dissertation entitled The Concept of Ethnicity in Early Antiquity: Ethno-symbolic Identities in Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and Middle Babylonian Texts. From 2015-16, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life at Columbia University. He also currently teaches Liberal Studies at New York University and provides public education on Great Books and Islamic Civilization in Garrison, NY (with a grant provided by Humanities New York). He previously taught Literature Humanities as a Graduate Lecturer of the Columbia Core; held the Jeremy Black Studentship in Sumerian and Akkadian at Oxford University, and studied at Yale University, Institut Bourguiba des Langues Vivantes (Tunis), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the University of Buffalo.
- Ph.D. - 2016 - Columbia University, Ancient Near Eastern Studies
- M.Phil. - 2010 - Columbia, Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
- B. A. - 2003 - University at Buffalo, History
Assyromania and More. In Memory of Samuel M. Paley. Co-edited with Friedhelm Pedde. Münster: Zaphon Verlag. 2018. https://www.zaphon.de/Assyromania-and-more/en
"Kassu: Cultural Labels and Identity in Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Karduniaš. Babylonien Zur Kassitenzeit. Babylonia under the Kassites. Vol. 1. Untersuchungen Zur Assyriologie Und V Orderasiatischen Archäologie, 11. Berlin: de Gruyter. 2017. https://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9781501503566/9781501503566-007/9781501503566-007.xml
“Visualizing Identity in Hasluck's 'Christianity and Islam'.” Shared Sacred Sites: Visual Hasluck. 2016. http://vh.dimaterialist.net/read/micro-essays/visualizing-identity-in-haslucks-text/.
“The Life and Work of F.W. and M. M. Hasluck” with Karen Barkey. Shared Sacred Sites: Visual Hasluck. 2016. http://vh.dimaterialist.net/about/frederick-and-margaret-hasluck/.